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JA Spring Mount JA產品圖
Low natural frequency
Non-skid Neoprene pad
Frame coating dacrotizing  finish
Quick and easy installation
Heavy-duty vibration isolation
ED & stove varnish finish on spring exterior use.
Quick and easy installation
Heavy-duty vibration isolation
Weather resistant finish
Applicaions JA細部圖
Heavy engines
Chillers, boilers
Cooling towers
JCP型彈簧式避震器目錄下載 JA型彈簧式避震器目錄下載處
JA型彈簧式避震器安裝說明下載 JA型彈簧式避震器安裝說明下載處
   Dimensions/Rated Capacity
Type Dimensions  (mm) øBD Mounting
L W L1 W1 A B H
JA-1 260 100 210 100 230 - 195 16 M12
JA-2 205 220 205 125 165 180 200 16 M12
JA-4 270 190 270 150 230 150 200 16 M12
JA-6 400 170 400 170 370 140 197 18 M16
JA-9 420 250 420 250 384 214 197 18 M20
JAC-1 260 100 210 100 230 - 195 16 M12
JAC-2 205 220 205 125 165 180 200 16 M12
JAC-4 270 190 270 150 230 150 200 16 M12
JAD-1 280 125 280 125 250 95 225 16 M12
JAD-2 280 220 280 220 250 190 225 16 M12
JAD-4 380 210 380 210 350 180 225 16 M12
JAS-1 310 230 310 230 260 180 290 18 M16
JAS-2 320 280 320 280 270 230 305 18 M16
JAS-4 440 310 440 310 390 260 305 18 M16
JAF-1 370 260 370 200 320 210 390 20 M16
JAH-1 370 260 370 200 320 210 430 20 M16
Part Number Rated Capacity
Spring Rate
Rated Defl.
Color Code
JA-1-100 90~110 4.0 25


JA-1-150 110~150 6.0 25 White
JA-1-200 150~200 8.0 25 Drak Green
JA-1-250 200~250 10.0 25 Red
JA-1-300 250~300 12.0 25 Blue
JA-1-400 350~400 16.0 25 Brown
JA-1-500 450~520 20.0 25 Red
JA-1-600 520~620 24.0 25 Gray
JA-1-700 620~700 28.0 25 Yellow
JA-1-850 700~860 34.0 25 Khaki
JA-1-1000 860~1000 40.0 25 Drak Green
JA-2-1000 900~1040 40.0 25 Red
JA-2-1200 1040~1240 48.0 25 Gray
JA-2-1400 1240~1400 56.0 25 Yellow
JA-2-1600 1400~1720 68.0 25 Khaki
JA-2-2000 1720~2000 80.0 25 Drak Green
JA-2-2400 2000~2500 96.0 25 Blue
JA-4-1600 1400~1600 64.0 25 Brown
JA-4-2000 1800~2080 80.0 25 Red
JA-4-2400 2080~2480 96.0 25 Gray
JA-4-2800 2480~2800 112.0 25 Yellow
JA-4-3200 2800~3440 136.0 25 Khaki
JA-4-4000 3440~4000 160.0 25 Drak Green
JA-4-4800 4000~5000 192.0 25 Blue
JA-6-3600 3120~3720 144.0 25 Gray
JA-6-4200 3720~4200 168.0 25 Yellow
JA-6-5000 4200~5160 204.0 25 Khaki
JA-6-6000 5160~6000 240.0 25 Drak Green
JA-9-5500 4680~5580 216.0 25 Gray
JA-9-6500 5580~6300 252.0 25 Yellow
JA-9-7500 6300~7740 306.0 25 Khaki
JA-9-9000 7740~9000 360.0 25 Drak Green
JA-9-10800 9000~11250 432.0 25 Blue
JAC-1-150 130~160 3.8 40 Blue
JAC-1-200 160~210 5.2 40 Brown
JAC-1-350 300~390 9.0 40 Gray
JAC-1-450 390~500 12.6 40 Red
JAC-1-650 500~650 15.5 40  Green
JAC-1-850 650~850 21.3 40 Drak Green
JAC-1-1000 850~1030 25.6 40 Yellow
JAC-2-700 600~780 18.0 40 Gray
JAC-2-900 780~1000 25.2 40 Red
JAC-2-1300 1000~1300 31.0 40  Green
JAC-2-1700 1300~1700 42.6 40 Drak Green
JAC-2-2000 1700~2060 51.2 40 Yellow
JAC-4-1400 1200~1560 36.0 40 Gray
JAC-4-1800 1560~2000 50.4 40 Red
JAC-4-2600 2000~2600 62.0 40  Green
JAC-4-3400 2600~3400 85.2 40 Drak Green
JAC-4-4000 3400~4120 102.4 40 Yellow
JAD-1-100 90~120 2.2 50 Yellow
JAD-1-150 120~170 3.2 50 White
JAD-1-250 170~280 5.4 50 Drak Green
JAD-1-350 280~370 7.2 50 Red
JAD-1-450 420~480 9.6 50 Brown
JAD-1-600 520~610 11.9 50 Gray
JAD-1-750 610~810 16.1 50 Khaki
JAD-1-850 810~870 17.3 50 Purple
JAD-1-1000 870~1080 21.4 50 Blue
JAD-2-1200 1040~1220 23.8 50 Gray
JAD-2-1400 1220~1620 32.2 50 Khaki
JAD-2-1700 1620~1740 34.6 50 Purple
JAD-2-2000 1740~2160 42.8 50 Blue
JAD-4-2400 2080~2440 47.6 50 Gray
JAD-4-2800 2440~3240 64.4 50 Khaki
JAD-4-3400 3240~3480 69.2 50 Purple
JAD-4-4000 3480~4320 85.6 50 Blue
JAS-1-150 120~170 2.2 75 White
JAS-1-250 170~270 3.5 75 Drak Green
JAS-1-350 320~370 4.7 75 Red
JAS-1-450 370~470 6.0 75 Blue
JAS-1-650 590~670 8.5 75 Khaki
JAS-1-750 670~840 11.1 75 Orange
JAS-1-1000 840~1050 13.5 75 Green
JAS-2-1300 1180~1340 17.0 75 Khaki
JAS-2-1500 1340~1680 22.0 75 Orange
JAS-2-2000 1680~2100 27.0 75 Green
JAS-4-2600 2360~2680 34.0 75 Khaki
JAS-4-3000 2680~3360 44.4 75 Orange
JAS-4-4000 3360~4200 54.0 75 Green
JAF-1-100 90~110 1.0 100 Yellow
JAF-1-150 110~160 1.5 100 White
JAF-1-200 160~220 2.0 100 Drak Green
JAF-1-300 220~320 2.9 100 Red
JAF-1-350 320~360 3.5 100 Blue
JAF-1-400 360~430 4.0 100 Yellow/Black
JAF-1-450 430~470 4.5 100 White/Black
JAF-1-500 470~530 5.0 100 Brown
JAF-1-600 530~650 5.9 100 Red/Black
JAF-1-700 650~700 7.0 100 Gray
JAF-1-800 700~820 8.0 100 Brown/Black
JAF-1-1000 820~1020 10.0 100 Gray/Black
JAH-1-200 160~210 1.6 125 Drak Green
JAH-1-300 210~320 2.4 125 Red
JAH-1-350 320~360 2.8 125 Drak Green/Black
JAH-1-400 360~420 3.2 125 Blue
JAH-1-450 420~470 3.6 125 Red/Black
JAH-1-550 470~580 4.4 125 Brown
JAH-1-700 580~700 5.2 125 Brown/Black
JAH-1-750 700~750 6.0 125 Gray
JAH-1-900 750~900 6.8 125 Gray/Black
JAH-1-1000 900~1000 7.9 125 Khaki
JAH-1-1300 1000~1300 10.0 125 Drak Green
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